[Review] Nature Republic Snail Therapy BB Cream SPF 30 PA++

Meet you again ladies!
Now, I would like to do another BB cream review. This product is still hot and hope you are not get bored at all. So, the product that I’d like to review is Nature Republic Snail Therapy 50 BB Cream SPF 30 PA++. I got this from my office mate in sample sachet package. I think there are few reviews about this product in Indonesia. 
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The package is very thin and contains less than 3ml. It can be used only for 2 times application. Yet, because of the sachet form, I have to very careful treating the remains cream to avoid it being spoiled. This BB cream contains snails mucus extract as the main ingredients which is claimed has several benefit for skin, such as:

  • skin brightening
  • coverage
  • reduce wrinkles
  • skin whitening

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The liquid comes with medium-fair shade and a bit runny. It is very easy to apply and quickly absorbed into the skin, and also easily blend. The shade also quickly match with my skin tone in a short time. You can see my face before and after applying this BB cream.

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I didn’t put any powder to see the real staying power
The left picture is my bare face condition. Its very terrible >.< so many blemishes and large pores.  That's why as my previous post, I stop wearing heavy make-up for a while and focus with skin care and treatment. I wanna have my skin as smooth as the Korean celebrity as well! 
Ok, back to the main topic. The coverage of the BB cream is sheer-medium. Not really conceal my blemishes. 
The oil control and staying power is pretty good. I have no complains about that. The picture below was taken during lunch time, about 4 hours after applying the product. As you can see, my face turned a bit dewy look. I forgot to take picture at the evening, but as I could remember, my face didn’t look much greasy. 
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Last, the real size of Snail Therapy is 40 ml and already has sponge attached as the applicator. But, the price is pricey for me around IDR 275-300K depends on where you buy it. The snail therapy is suitable for all skin types and colors.

Baca juga:  Boss Babe BB Cream First Impression
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01NR 0003 2 2 [Review] Nature Republic Snail Therapy BB Cream SPF 30 PA++
Picture credit: koreabuys.com


83eef proconsnailtherapy [Review] Nature Republic Snail Therapy BB Cream SPF 30 PA++

With love,
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Melissa Tjia

Born in 1988 and currently living as a wife and mom of a couple of kids. Been blogging since 2012 and have collaborated with numerous brands from various industries. In 2018, decided to be a full-time blogger while nursing kids at home. For inquiries please contact hello@melsplayroom.com. Follow my Instagram and Twitter account @melsplayroom for more skincare updates. Let's be friends!


  1. Hi Nia, biasanya sih aku pakai krim begini di pagi hari sebelum beraktivitas atau saat mau pergi pesta hehe

  2. Hi, sekarang produk ini dijual di Beauty in U Store di MOI, kalau sempat bisa mampir 🙂

  3. info aja,kmaren aku smpet liat di metro TA 🙂

  4. Hai mellisa..aq jg bru coba pke BB snail creamnya krna dpt samplenya hehehe
    Tp bingung..pkenya itu pagi n malem atau pagi/malem saja
    Share infonya yaa..thanks

  5. AKu jg pernah dapet yg sachet dikasi temenku. Cocok bgt di muka ku yg berminyak dan jerawatan. Bener2 ngecover tanpa bikin jerawat baru. Tp udah abis dan skrg bingung nyari dimana. Ada yg bs kasi link?

  6. Kamu pake juga ya? Di aku agak kurang mgkn krn blemishnya ya ><

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